We Make Publishing Easy!

Helping New & Established Authors to Quickly & Affordably Publish their Books...


No need to get bogged down with tech, specs, apps...Oh My!


Work with folks who have been down the same road


You only pay for the services you want and need

Do you know what it takes to write, 

publish, and market your book?

What makes a compelling cover that sells?

How do you know if your manuscript is 'publish-ready'?

How do you get your book to impact the world?

How do you maximize your royalties?

Which book sites should you list your book on?

What are the differences in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats?

"We believe you deserve to be a published author with a book you're proud of!"

We've been helping authors publish their books since 2013.

What started out as an act of desperation to take back our rights and publish ourselves... turned into a full-service publishing consulting & services business.

Since we began this journey, we have had the privilege of helping over 150 authors to publish well over 300 different titles.

We would love to help you with yours!

A Turn-Key Solution for taking your manuscript from a raw text document to a polished & published book - available for the world to enjoy!

You can rely on the professionals at 40 Day to work with you hand-in-hand to guide you through the publishing process. Basically, we do all the heavy lifting and you can enjoy the ride :-)

In this day & age of digital media, it's more important than ever to have an online message that reflects who you are, what you write, and how you can help.

We take the mystery of building landing pages, websites, branded author emails, digital newsletters, and email marketing. 40 Day can help you make your mark in the digital world with an effective online presence.

Quite possibly the most game-changing marketing resource available to authors today is the vast opportunities with social media.

Whether you are a Facebook junkie or a social media novice, 40 Day can help you lay out & implement a simple, achievable strategy to leverage social media and turn your followers into readers.

Publishing Experts at Your Side - Every Step of the Way...

3 Easy Steps to getting started...

1. Schedule a Call

2. Discuss Your Book

3. Decide on a Package

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

― Sir Winston Churchill

Discover the '40 Day Difference'

Real Help from Real Authors

All of our Core Team members are published authors and have been down the same road as you.

Dedicated Coaching

You will have your very own publishing coach to guide you through the process.

Exclusive Membership

You will have access to over 100 recorded trainings & live group coaching every month!

Born in the USA

Based out of Janesville, Wisconsin with coaches in Nebraska, Wyoming, Arizona, and Oklahoma.

"You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will."

― Stephen King: Bestselling American author with more than 350 million books sold

Are you an author who:

  • is ready to stop making excuses and get their book published?
  • ​wants to maintain creative control over their book and not hand over rights to some stranger?
  • ​wants to have their book published on THEIR timeline instead of waiting months or even years for a ‘publisher’?
  • ​wants to get paid monthly royalties of 30%, 50% even 70% of their book’s retail instead of pennies every quarter?
  • wants to know how their books are selling on a daily basis?
  • realizes that their success is wholly dependent upon themselves?

If this is you - it's time to...

Just a few of our clients...

"As a new author, I was completely clueless as to what I was doing. Dan and Darlene walked me through the whole process of publishing my book, step by step. There is always scepticism and that “too good to be true” feeling when doing something as major as publishing a book, but I have never met such genuine people who truly want the best for their authors."

Samantha Longstaff - Author of The Lonely Hedgehog

"Before I worked with 40-Day Publishing my Amazon sales were basically non-existent. I knew the only way to make it in this industry was to make it on Amazon. After finding 40-Day Publishing and following their wonderful advice my Amazon sales went from a 20 sale average monthly to over 600 sales monthly and continue to grow."

Jennifer McMurrain - Author of Quail Crossings

"They answered all my questions about the process itself as well as giving me very timely and effective advice about pricing and marketing the ebooks. Thanks to their help, I was able to get all three ebooks up and running on Kindle Direct in less than one month and had a successful giveaway campaign that resulted in over 36,400 downloads of the first book in my series."

Rosemary Hines - Author of Out of A Dream, Through the Tears, Into Magnolia, Around the Bend and For a Season